The Ultimate Communications Inbox Prioritize Your Messages with AI

I’m creating a communications inbox so that you can decide what you actually want and don’t want and what happens to it, except I’m going to add that communication element to it so that you can now prioritize it. I always wanted an email to be a certain… If I’m involved in a big project, I want certain emails to not be going to create a rule. I just want… This is where AI should fit, for me, and say, When I have an important deal I’m working on, I want that communication, and I want it delivered to my phone via text. I want it going in. I have you on it. I want it coming to me in text, SMS, if I’m stateside, and if I’m in Europe, I want it over WhatsApp. See? Predefined. Simple as pie. Did I say AT&T, Verizon, Vodafone, Orange? Own your digital conversation:

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